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Writer's pictureCraig Brown

DS Holds First Ever Australia-Bangladesh Skype Conversation for its Coastal Kids Project

This year, as part of its Climate Change and Displacement Initiative, Displacement Solutions (DS) has launched the Coastal Kids Project to connect schools and students living in coastal areas in Bangladesh with schools and students in Australia who are also coastal dwellers. Today, 4 September 2012, the much anticipated, first ever Skype conversation between an Australian school (Sorrento Primary School, Victoria) and a Bangladeshi school (William Carey Academy, Chittagong) was facilitated by DS. Designed to increase understanding among all participants about the lives of coastal kids around the world and how climate change is affecting them, this classroom-to-classroom conversation was an exciting and insightful event for students and teachers alike, and was enthusiastically engaged in by all involved.This conversation marks the first of a number of Skype conversations which will be held between these two schools and, in time, similar conversations will be facilitated with schools from other climate-affected countries to further build awareness and engagement with the issue of climate change, and encourage transnational cooperation and learning among coastal kids everywhere. Make sure to keep checking for more news as the Coastal Kids Project continues to progress and expand! For further information, please email

Students from William Carey Academy, Bangladesh

Students from Australia and Bangladesh meet for the very first time!

The Chancellor of WCA briefs her students prior to the call

Presentation on climate change

Presentation on climate change – 2

Presentation on climate change – 3

HLP rights presentation

HLP rights presentation – 2

HLP rights presentation – 3

Md. Arifur Rahman, the CEO of Young Power in Social Action, briefs the students

Students from WCA engage in the first Coastal Kids conversation

Students during Coastal Kids conversation

Students during Coastal Kids conversation – 2

Md. Arifur Rahman of YPSA and the Chancellor of WCA with a signed letter of cooperation for the Coastal Kids Project

YPSA & WCA representatives at a ceremony signifying their cooperation under the Coastal Kids Project

The Coastal Kids signing ceremony

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