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NEW! DS & Norwegian Refugee Council Urge the Application of the UN’s Pinheiro Principles

Displacement Solutions and the Norwegian Refugee Council today released a new publication outlining how Myanmar could constructively apply the UN’s Pinheiro Principles on Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and Displaced Persons (2005) as a key tool to resolve ongoing forced displacement throughout the country.  The booklet provides a brief history of the Pinheiro Principles and the full text of this historic document which provides  comprehensive framework for securing HLP restitution rights for refugees and IDPs everywhere, including those from Myanmar. The publication is accompanied by a lengthier Introductory Guide on Understanding and Claiming Housing, Land and Property Restitution Rights in Myanmar: Questions and Answers which was also released today. Later this month, a 72-page legal analysis of HLP restitution issues in Myanmar, prepared for NRC by the DS Director Scott Leckie, will be published. This report examines the current state of affairs regarding restitution in the country and concludes with five specific recommendations that can be implemented to bring the dream of restitution ever closer to the millions of people from Myanmar who still have yet to resolve their outstanding claims for homes and lands from which they were forced to flee. The detailed report explores the vital nature of restitution within the context of the peace process and urges all parties to the peace negotiation process in the country to embrace restitution norms a central element in any quest for sustained peace and reconciliation. The first two reports can be accessed here: A Framework for Resolving Displacement in Myanmar and here: An Introductory Guide to Claiming HLP Restitution in Myanmar. Copies of all three reports will be available in Myanmar (Burmese) and Karen in the coming weeks. 

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